LACS - Saying Goodbye to My Best Friend

The culmination of sadness occurred on October 9th. While I prepared for work, I checked on my dog of 15 years and best friend in the world. He struggled through Thursday, and I knew time was short, but it still didn't prepare me for what came next.

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LACS: 9/11 Heroes, "Let's Roll" Mentality Needed Now

Those facing certain death on Flight 93 run through my mind today. Would I have acted that heroically? Seeing what current differences separate us as a nation now, I humbly ask all of you to ask yourself these questions.

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LACS: Career Opportunities for Survivors? HELP NEEDED!!

Perhaps those who don't know my cause are a little late to the party, but I hope this topic leaves you feeling uncomfortable. If you desire to change someone's life suffering side effects of cancer treatment, I can help you.

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LACS: OH, HOW I HATE COVID-19!!! - Part 2

The cold hard reality is things never will be what we knew before COVID. Too many lives, jobs, and relationships lost, too many innocent people dying alone, too much unnecessary violence. I pray none of that was in vain, and we learn as a society how to prevent another COVID.

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Many around the world are feeling the economic, social, and personal impact. For many, the wreckage includes innocent lives lost, loved ones suffering & dying alone, severe mental trauma from staying inside overwhelming anxiety, mental exhaustion, unmanageable depression, feelings of despair, irrational behavior, irrational responses to others' behavior, critical judgment on every level imaginable, and an election exceptionally vital to both sides of the aisle.

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LACS - Crohn's Destruction: Trauma, Anxiety, Fear and How To Help

I feel the need to represent those suffering from this silent disease and how it destroys much of your hopes, self-worth, and ranks among the highest cause of suicide due to the humiliation it causes.

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LACS - Life After Cancer? (Part 2)

One of the most common phrases used in my discussions with various people, companies, or organizations is "there is nothing I (we) can do." Such massive gutlessness makes me cringe and very confrontational.

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LACS - Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday

“About a week after transplant was when, as they say, the shit started to hit the fan. By then, I had no blood counts, and sores were forming all up and down my esophagus and mouth to where I could not swallow for about two weeks. My mom would give me ice to suck on that I would just let trickle down my throat. That was just the beginning.”

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LACS - The Father That Never Was

However, there was another side of my dad’s behavior towards my sisters, brother, and mother. My dad also changed a lot toward me after I had cancer. He was more kind and made excuses for me because of my sickness, but that didn’t stop me from seeing the inconsistencies in his behavior toward my siblings and mother.

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LACS - Integrity and Diversity

Integrity is unlike other personality traits; evaluations do not reside in personal feelings. Friendships appreciate specific aspects of how a person exudes said trait, while even dealing with negative consequences, detractors often reach similar conclusions.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - When Family Fails Each Other - Part 1

On March 22, 2020, at approximately 5:30 PM, the outside of our apartment caught fire. The blaze went up like someone poured lighter fluid on it. I grabbed my dog Sammy and ran out the front, then ran back in the house to get my mom. However, she was already out of the house, having gone to the pharmacy about 20 minutes before.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - Dealing with COVID-19

Please let me know how I can better serve those out there who need help. Sometimes I get so caught up in my own life that I forget what is essential. My main goal in writing this blog is to connect with those whose voice is not heard.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - Does Character Matter Anymore ? Part 2

What does this have to do with surviving cancer? I made a mistake that day. My selfishness prompted me to take the job that did not make me their first choice. Why did I do that? I preferred the status that ESPN gave me. I allowed my ego to overrule my character.

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Living As A Cancer Survivor - Finding A Purpose

Despite surviving all this time, despite outliving all of my death sentences, I still struggle to wonder what my calling is. Why am I still here? Why did I survive? Why do I find myself struggling if I find myself blessed enough to be here?

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