Rickey decided to use his ace in the hole, Happy Chandler, a second time. In November, Rickey sent Arthur Mann, his new assistant, to Chicago, to arrange a meeting between the commissioner and Durocher. Mann told Chandler of Rickey’s wish. In their meeting, Mann impressed on Chandler to use any reasonable method for telling Durocher emphatically that he must sever connections of all kinds with people regarded as undesirable by baseball—gangsters, known gamblers, companions of known gamblers, and racketeers. Regardless of names or identity, he was to cut ties with anybody whose reputation could hurt Durocher or baseball.
In November 1946, Durocher agreed to meet with Chandler, who produced a list of men to ignore, including Raft and Seigel, among others. The commissioner was firm, but reasonable, telling the Dodgers manager that as long as he stayed away from such undesirables and wasn’t putting baseball in a vulnerable position, he would have no problems. Durocher agreed, although admitted that it would be tough. While the two were meeting, Durocher took the time to drop more controversial news, possibly making matters worse. He told Chandler that he was marrying actress Laraine Day after her divorce was final. Back in the late 1940s, infidelity and divorce were seen as indecent and viewed differently from today and could be illegal in some instances.