Mark Everett Kelly was diagnosed with Stage IV Rhabdomyosarcoma on December 12, 1990
Many things in your life cause feelings of vulnerability- people, relationships, work, job, money situation. Dealing with a cancer diagnosis is one of the most vulnerable feelings a person can experience. The confusion, change of lifestyle, added threat of death - all these things are tough to deal with.
For longtime survivors, one would think the vulnerability goes away after a while. Due to the "late effects" of chemotherapy & radiation, more survivors are finding themselves dealing with long-term issues that were unknown to the cancer community years ago.
Those who read this blog consistently should know what is coming. I sound like a broken record at times, but the battle to keep my mind void of discouragement can be a challenge.
Many survivors deal with chronic pain that creates new feelings of vulnerability. I am starting to worry about what is going to happen to people in my position.
Photo of Mark’s lymphedema this week. Lymphedema is extremely painful and surfaces in a large number of cancer survivors.