Mark Everett Kelly’s protocol called for four weeks of radiation that destroyed his intestinal lining & created permanent issues.
In June of 2019, I began a blog titled "Living As A Cancer Survivor," highlighting my experiences and hoping to draw attention to "My Scars Tell A Story."
One of the side effects of avoiding death from Rhabdomyosarcoma came from radiation. The result was Crohn's disease, and along with Lymphedema, it's part of the hard realities of which I live. I've avoided speaking about the shame and humiliation that come along with a diagnosis. This blog entry is the first of many describing stories of those who have Crohn's disease.
On March 22nd, the condo I lived in burned, leaving myself without a place to stay for the first time in my life. I believed I could survive anything life threw at me; any inconvenience I endured would only be minimal.
Nothing has destroyed my life more than Crohn's disease. Due to multiple misunderstandings and poor communication, those I imagined helping during the most vulnerable time in my life, didn't. When those close to you reject you because you're a source of embarrassment, that creates a unique sense of humiliation (click here to read the full story). God provided a casual friend, who hearing of my situation, opened his one-bedroom apartment.
Regardless of how kind-hearted one is, sharing a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment is challenging. Living with someone battling Crohn's disease tests the limits of loving, caring, and understanding. Forcing this nightmare on another who is performing an act of kindness, is a cruel punishment.
I know that humiliation and shame since my diagnosis in the summer of 1992. I often want to bury myself in the ground and run away where no one could find me.
I started in February 2015 to provide for myself & my family. Since my divorce finalized, failing to receive sponsors, advertisers, or individuals supporting my efforts has drastically changed my outlook.
I dedicated myself to producing consistent, quality information helping educate.
CKMagicSports features:
Home Page, which showcases my latest articles, blog entries, podcasts, and videos.
Mark's Story: Brief background of my history with cancer, diagnosis and overall story
Living As A Cancer Survivor Blog: This is the 73rd blog entry since its inception in June 2019
American Heroes: African-American Athletes Who Changed Society
Over 1,000 written articles for websites including
Bleacher Report
World Wide Sports Radio Network
Elite Sports NY
The Jets Press
Sports Rants
Over 200 podcasts featuring "The Morning Boys" (with co-host Ryan Hickey), "Hit the Mark" & Rivalry Radio.
Over 10 Public Speeches/Lectures/Appearances sharing my story
Links to websites to purchase "My Scars Tell A Story."
Links to Donate to Help Support & Provide a Living for myself and my family.
My Twitch Channel - Follow my NBA2K20 Player (Finster Allen), watch previous videos, and help support me and donate to Cancer & Crohn's disease.
I feel the need to represent those suffering from this silent disease and how it destroys much of your hopes, self-worth, and ranks among the highest cause of suicide due to the humiliation it causes.
From Reddit IBS/Crohn's Group
"My Crohn's disease manifests in intense chronic pain that's often bad enough I can't function, breathe, move, think, or eat without even making it worse. I do all I can to minimize the pain, but knowing I might have decades of suffering left and how little I can do to stop it makes me think about suicide a lot. I don't fantasize about it often anymore, but the pain is inescapable. I don't have a plan, and I DONT want to hear about how I just need to push through and blah blah. The pain is real and intense and unstoppable. How do you tell someone who suffers so much to keep going for the sake of keeping going?
When your back is against the wall and dragged through the wreckage of a wasted life, one still hopes to live out God's purpose.
Without those supporting my effort, life isn't possible. I'm not too fond of that, but I hate living with the reality of not controlling the God-given right to achieve success by busting your ass. My success depends on others recognizing those in my position
give up
rely on others to provide for them while not giving anything in return
understand God granted all of us with unique talents we can develop & deliver, presenting opportunities to support ourselves & family.