Mark with his best friend Sammy reminds us that much more unites us than separates us.
I'm taking a day away from my usual topic to remember 9/11. I was 27-years old on September 11, 2001, working at the 6 PM SportsCenter as an ESPN researcher. I've referenced my account of that day, so today I'm focusing on what it means to be an American.
Let's Roll
Those facing certain death on Flight 93 run through my mind today. Would I have acted that heroically? Seeing what current differences separate us as a nation now, I humbly ask all of you to ask yourself these questions.
What REALLY matters?
Can you provide for your family?
Do you share your successes with those less fortunate?
Do you encourage others who need a kind word?
Do you recognize THE PERSON, not the color, religion, sex, sexual preference, political choice, etc., in lending your hand of loving others?
Do you judge people on prior mistakes or allow an open mind with which to form an opinion?
All African-American lives, Caucasian lives, Latino lives, Asian lives, etc., matter EQUALLY. STOP IDENTIFYING EACH OTHER WITH LABELS!
Do you appreciate others that think differently, respect diversity, and what you can learn from a different perspective?
Do you allow others to speak their minds, choose to accept their beliefs, and respectfully discuss those differences?
Do you realize political preference represents a small percentage of who a person is? Do you take time to appreciate a journey in life different than yours?
Do you respect and support other's right to protest while not agreeing with why?
I challenge all of you to take a stand. For one day, forget politics and that which separates us. Remember, those who fought for the rights we enjoy now also experienced enormous differences in all areas.
Stand up for your brother and sister, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, etc. and the right to express those beliefs.
Seek information yourself, DO NOT form an opinion without researching all sides of an argument.
Don't allow anyone to intimidate you into accepting beliefs you don't support. It's OK to stand alone without fear of punishment.
Do your part in providing opportunities for those less fortunate. Many of us can change lives forever by helping others find paths to success previously unavailable.